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Tuesday, December 06, 2005

the biggest and only ass i ever saw in vegas

after devouring my banana, i resume my half-conscious trek along the vegas strip, working my way back to the mgm grand and then hopefully out of this godforsaken place. the bright lights and hooker hotliners attack me, once more, along the way. i'm tired and pissed off, and becoming more so with each and every flick in the face. i gaze angrily at the solicitors, telling each of them to "eat shit and die" with my swollen red eyes. i pass by, somehow managing not to rip off a finger, or punch a face in.

i reach an escalator and hop aboard, hoping it will lead me away from this hell and into the heavens above. at the crest of the stairway, i'm greeted neither by god nor an angel, but by the next best thing...

the biggest ass i've ever seen.

everyone around seems to be trying not to look at this ginorm-ass. not me though, i'm staring right at it, inspecting every hair and pimple, in between sips of my overpriced coffee; memorizing and photographing the details of this fine work of art while others look on strangely.

it's remarkable how a 50-foot thonged ass - so smooth, and delicate, and... creamy, can remind a person how much he/she truly needs to get laid.

*in regards to the actual size of this ass, you see this . ? yes, that, the period. that's the size of my head in comparison.*


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