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Sunday, December 04, 2005

the song-ship travels west

i look out my window. spot a train travelling west. much like myself.

i imagine we're racing. travelling thru my past into my present and future. all that was, is and soon shall be. all the experiences i've had in this short life. the people i've met. the places i've been. all these images pass before me, creating a continuous overlapping collage in my mind. i feel like a child again. like a small boy on that train. looking out the window upon his future self and all the things passing by. thinking - everything is new. the open road lies ahead. filled with things i can't even begin to imagine...

the train eventually passes out of sight. i'm left with the image of a young boy looking out the window of a passing train.

before i left on this trip,
scott made me a cd titled, "the song-ship travels... WEST." songs he thought i should have on my journey. travelling parallel to this westbound train reminded me of that cd. and this song... the song of a young boy, or girl, looking out the window of a passing train upon his/her future self.



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