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Friday, October 14, 2005

questions of home

feeling ill. the town's odor isn't helping. find the morningside college to do a few updates. nose won't stop running. keep wiping it on the back of my hand. sniff sniff drip wipe cough sniff sniff drip wipe cough. endless cycle. check the dates of a few shows happening in the general vicinity (general vicinity being anywhere in or around iowa, colorado, or missouri; give or take another state or two). hope to find some direction. don't know where the hell to go from here? find out lucero is playing in kansas city tonite. shit, tonite? it's like a 5 or 6 hour drive.

ask the girl sitting next to me for the time. she looks at me and points to a clock on the wall right in front of me. one o' clock. "is there something wrong with you?" huh? "are you sick?" yes, yes, sorry just a cold. "well, you should go home?..."

a pause. a blank expression. i don't know how to answer.


yes. i will soon...


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