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Thursday, November 24, 2005

bloody knuckles for thanksgiving

end up staying the nite at a truck stop in the middle of denver. 3 cops on duty. not sure if that's a good, or bad, sign. nothing happens though.

get a wake up call in the morn from one of my best buds - andrew. didn't answer it in time. leaves a message -

jamie. it's andrew. happy turkey day! just thinking about you cuz i'm driving to see my family and uh... i have no idea where you are? haven't checked your website in a while. but i hope you have a happy one. have a good time. make some uhh... new family?... make some babies! hell, why not?... babies like turkey! i like turkey! everyone likes turkey! turkey turkey turkey! bye.

call him back while on the pooper in the truck stop. get his voicemail. leave a message. something along the lines of -

andrew. it's jamie. umm... yeah? got your message. happy turkey day!! i'll work on making some babies. your absolutely right, babies do love turkey. uh... i'm in denver right now though. thinking of tracking down our old neighbor kate - the one without the belly button. hoping she's in town. but yeah, give me a call. love you, man. talk to you soon...

take a long long shower at the truck stop. costs $9. gotta make the most of it. cut my hair some. trim the 'stache. check my phone. see that cindy (another best bud), pez (columbian pal. much love. thanx for checkin in on me), meredith (another columbian pal. happy faux-turkey day), and erich (step-bro) have all called. feeling pretty popular this morning. call a few of them back and chat for a while.

get off the phone. ready to get going. start the engine. then think - it'd probably be a good idea to loosen /re-tighten my brake lines just in case. turn off the car. pop the hood. loosen the brake line. my wrench falls into the engine before i can retighten the line. fuck! try getting it out with some needle-nose pliers and wire. no luck. can't reach. fuck! gotta get underneath. so, empty out the car to get the jack out from the back. prop up the car. scrapping my knuckles on the pavement in the process (it's a really shitty jack). takes me an hour to get the car propped up, myself underneath, and the wrench out of there. blah! go back inside the truck stop. wash my bloody hands in the sink. scrub my armpits some. then try again to get the hell out of there.

starting mileage - 203986
trying to meet up with an old friend in - denver, co


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