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Tuesday, November 29, 2005

a chill in santa fe

make it to santa fe, nm pretty late. was told it was about 2 hrs from the colorado border by a mexican?? guy at a gas station in trinidad, co. turned out to be 3.5 hrs. think the guy was fucking with me. though i'm not sure why? whatever, i'm here. it's not much warmer than colorado though. much to my dismay. there's actually ice and snow on the ground. thought heading south would lead to warmer climates. forgot to consider that santa fe is still up in the mountains. i'm actually at a higher altitude here than denver. it is a little warmer here though.

anyway. i check out the downtown area. stop in a bar called
willie's on guadalupe st. pretty chill. a blues bar. band is playing some good (presumably cover) songs. people are shakin their booties on the dance floor. couple problems though. everyone here is at least 35yrs old and on the prowl. and smoking like chimnies. i chug my miller lite in a record 2.9 seconds before darting outside to the fresher air of downtown santa fe.

check out a couple more spots. then find a walmart, on cerrillos rd, to crash at for the nite. pretty scary lookin. it's late. i'm in a new town. new culture. everyone looks weird to and at me. a little frightening. there's a security vehicle with flashing lights patrolling the lot. hopefully, it'll keep the bad guys away. i park in the middle of some RVs and broken down cars. set up camp for the nite. lie down in the back. cover myself up. fall asleep to the flashing lights of the security patrol.


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