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Saturday, November 26, 2005

frank yu very much chan lady from shkinny boy

following the advice of the very very nice lady at chan foreign car (the place i took my car to yesterday to get my lights worked on), i decided to start the day at the north boulder recreation center for a workout and shower. there's no truck stops (for showers) or walmarts (for lodging) in boulder. thus the sleeping on the streets and the showering at the rec center. great idea. thank you chan lady! only cost $6 for a full day's access. muscles are all sore now though. haven't worked out since leaving boone. my 6-pak went to a 4-pak (in columbia) to somewhere around a 3.25-pak now. haven't been getting fatter, just softer. been losing weight actually. all the stress and driving and walking. went from 149lbs prior-to-departure to 143lbs now. haven't been this skinny since maybe the 6th grade. and i'm probably a foot taller than i was then.

starting mileage - 204137
exploring - boulder, co


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