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Sunday, December 04, 2005

drinking with the lords of rings

wandering around downtown flagstaff, az. bump into a few people on the street. ask them for directions to a walmart so i know where i'm sleeping for the nite. wind up inviting me out for drinks instead. these things just happen. can't say no to drinks with strangers. especially this crew...

one guy looks just like viggo mortensen (aka aragon from the lord of the rings). and the other could pass as the dwarf if he had a helmet and axe. it's not everyday i get to share brewskies with the lords of the rings.

we go to charly's pub in the weatherford hotel. a lot of the bars here in flagstaff are in hotels. swanky place. a good bluegrass band is playing. i'm hanging out, drinking some beers with my new found friends - lee (aragon), max (the dwarf), and tina (who could pass as liv tyler if i squint my eyes enough). they're diggers. current (lee and max) and former (tina) members of an archaelogical digging crew. think they all met on an excavation somewhere. digging up the bones of once-fornicating dinosaurs (refer to this then this). interesting people. super friendly.

share a couple drinks before saying goodnight. i need to sleep. tina gives me her digits in case i'm in town a while. and the dwarf invites me out for billiards if i'm around tomorrow afternoon. not likely. got the grand canyon to attend to.

i mosey on over to the walmart for a likely frozen slumber.


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