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Monday, December 05, 2005

pretty amazing, isn't it?

drive on to the next overlook. park the deathcab. hop out. raise my cramped arms high above my head. and... stretch... one... two... yaahh!! bring my arms down. fold them on my chest. walk over and stand at the edge of the grand canyon as if i own it. take in the view. yup... pretty spectacular shit.

a car pulls up. i glance over as the driver stops face to face with the deathcab. hmm... this should be interesting? a heavy set older black woman steps out of the car. looks at me. i smile politely. wonder if she noticed my car? she smiles back... two strangers standing at the edge of the grand canyon. smiling at one another. an undead car just over their shoulders. wanting in on their conversation. wonder if she's catching the absurdity of all this?

after a few moments of silent meditation, the two of us staring off at the canyon, she remarks, "you know..." i turn my attention to her. "anyone who sees this (the canyon)... and STILL... doesn't believe in god, has GOTTA be crazy!"

i cautiously nod. i don't necessarily disagree. but now's probably not the time, or place, for a theological discussion on the existence of god. so, i say what most any person seeing the grand canyon for the first time, and having to describe it to someone, would say,

"uh... yeah... it's pretty amazing."

then we return our attention to the canyon in silence.


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