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Sunday, March 19, 2006

apparently, someone doesn't like the Deathcab

i laughed out loud when i found this on my windshield, the morning of March 16th 2006. apparently, someone thinks the Deathcab is "a partially dismantled, non-operating, wrecked, junked or discarded vehicle." i have to agree, on a few of those things, but not all.

after my initial moments of laughter, i quickly began to fret about the possibility of my vehicle being commandeered, or of being banished from columbia,mo altogether. as the ticket says, "no person shall leave any such vehicle on any property within the city for a longer time than 72 hours."

i left a message for the officer, explaining - "i'm living and working, in columbia,mo, temporarily," and that "my car is in working order. i drive it everywhere, everyday."

the officer didn't call back until 8am, the morning my car was to be towed. which made this day rarer than most, as i'm not often woken up by the police, surprising as that may be. he explained my landlord had called in my car because it was parked in his lot, without being registered as a tenant's vehicle. so, the officer told me to take it up with "my landlord" and he would not issue a ticket, or tow.

now, since i did not actually sign a lease for the apartment i'm living in, i don't technically have "a landlord," because i'm not technically "a resident." and therefore, my car is, technically, "in violation." but to avoid any further problems, either with a landlord or the cops, i moved the Deathcab to the side of a nearby residential street, and have since had no problems.


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