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Monday, December 05, 2005

wait! i'm not done yet

"from the moment absurdity is recognized, it becomes a passion, the most harrowing of all. But whether or not one can live with one's passions, whether or not one can accept their law, which is to burn the heart they simultaneously exhalt - that is the question." - albert camus, the myth of sisyphus

after the picture snaps, i dash back to the camera with my long johns still around my ankles. i look at the shot just taken. holy shit!! that's incredible! okay, one more! just one more!

i untangle myself from my long johns. finally. then set the camera for another 10 seconds.

with jeans in hand, i run out to the ledge once more.
9, 8...
i drop the jeans to the ground. beside my now non-long-johned feet. i spread my arms. and reach for the sun... again.
7, 6...
i look up.
i smile.
4, 3...
and then...
from the cliff above i see two heads moving. looking down.

shit there's people looking at me!! fuck!!

i immediately reach for my pants.

i hop myself into them. then scurry back to my camera and remaining clothes. i sit down. heart racing. short of breath. the cold air in my lungs. i start laughing. i got caught naked at the grand canyon! how fucking hilarious?!

i dress myself quickly. ignoring the long johns altogether. ain't getting back into that mess. i bundle my camera and remaining clothes under arm and trek up the cliffside. reaching the top with a smile. daring not to look at the elderly couple who just recieved an eyeful. i get back in the car. heart still pounding. i'm laughing out loud.

when my hearts slows, i turn on the camera and take a look at the last picture. and see...


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