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Saturday, October 08, 2005

breaking brake lines

open my dashboard - dig around and find my pocket knife which has a saw blade on it. grab my flashlight from the backseat floor. swing the deathcab door open. alright let's do this shit! (imagine in slow-motion while wearing 3-d glasses; that's how i see things for the most part anyway) i step out of the deathcab. my heel touches the asphalt. my movements are lit by the yellow orange flashes of my hazards. i walk to the front of the vehicle. unlatch and lift the hood. the skull emblem raises up and out of view. my head beneath. my breath is visable in the cold night air. flashlight illuminating brake lines attached to a central hub. pocket knife in hand; opened to saw blade. i rest the saw to a brake line. take a deep breath. start to move the blade back and forth...


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