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Friday, October 07, 2005

there's nothing wrong with two grown men hugging

at luke's new bar now. this place is a little more upscale. lots of wine. girls all made up; glittery in fancy dresses. fratty exec-type guys in suits and button-up shirts. it's cool though. we have a couple drinks then head to yet another bar (or another room of the same bar). a rave / dance party is going on. sweaty cramped kids, djs, loud rap music, spinning disco lights... we lost chris somewhere in there; probably to a lady. no point in going back. we're properly toasted at this point, so luke calls us a cab. we don't wait for it though. we just leave and start walking back towards empire. luke's place is along the way and he decides to call it a night. his dad is in town and staying with him - the parents are going thru el divorco. luke's been sleeping on the couch while his dad takes over the rest of his apartment. otherwise he says i could crash there again. i understand. so, i wish him a good night and give him a huge, unbalanced, drunken, sloppy hug - nearly ripping his head off.

luke! goodbye fargo! shit where did i park the car? oh right at the great northern lot... right across the street from empire... where frania works... frania...


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