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Friday, October 07, 2005

good one jamie, good one

most of you can guess how the rest of the night turned out. drunken jamie intentionally, or unintentionally, hits on girl - in this case, a quite attractive, yet completely sober girl who has yet to say more than 10 words to me in our brief existence together. regardless, here's the story in all of its glory or lack thereof -

i had noticed earlier, everytime luke ordered himself a drink, he always bought the server a drink as well. believing luke to be a charming lady's man, though i have no real proof of this - i decide to follow suit. go back to empire and buy myself and the bartender a shot of some fruity shit that she picks out. then the same for myself and frania - though she's too busy to be aware of my purchase. i walk over as she's finishing with her table, and greet her with our drinks - one in each hand...

would you like one? (politely) no thanks. (politely back / turning my head like a confused puppy) are you sure? (nodding) yes, i've got a 6 month old i have to go home to after this.

so, you would think that would be the end of it, right? i get the hint, leave her alone, and go home... err to the car? but you remember we're talking about me here. so, of course, i follow her back to the bar, still carrying our drinks...

(genuinely interested) son or daughter? son. what's his name? avery.

(long pause)

(still genuinely interested) you still with the guy? (matter of factly) yes.

shit! why did i ask that? of course, i know why i asked that; but why did i ask that?


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